Below are a few of the questions frequently asked by patients. If your question is not addressed here, please call the CPC office near you.  Click here to check our locations map.

What insurance plans do you accept?
Do you file Insurance?
Do you see children?
What do I do in an emergency?
What about my first visit?
What Hospitals does CPC admit patients to?

What insurance plans do you accept?

We accept over 150 different health insurance plans including:
Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Georgia
Blue Cross/Blue Shield of South Carolina
John Deere Health Care
Health Link (University Hospital Plans)
Health Net (Doctors Hospital Plans)
LifePlans (St. Joseph Hospital Plans)
United Healthcare
Mail Handlers
U.S. Healthcare/Aetna
South Care
State Merit

The complete list includes virtually every health insurance plan found in Augusta. If you want to know if we accept your specific plan, the answer is probably yes. You can call one of our offices to find out for sure.
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Do you file Insurance?

Our staff will file all your insurance claims for you. Your responsibilities are to pay the deductibles, co-pay, or office visit fee required by your insurance at the time you are seen. As a convenience, CPC accepts MasterCard and Visa as well as cash and personal checks.
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Do you see children?

Yes! Our physicians are trained and experienced to care for infants, children, teenagers and adults of all ages.
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What do I do in an emergency?

In an emergency, call the regular Center for Primary Care office number. During office hours, this call will be answered by the CPC staff, who may instruct you to come to the office or go directly to the Emergency Room. At night and on weekends, your call will be answered by the CPC answering service, and one of the CPC physicians will call you back quickly. You only need to remember a single number for any health emergency.

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What about my first visit?

Your first visit to CPC is extremely important. To help us help you please consider the following:

– What are your major health problems and the dates of all surgeries or other hospitalizations?
– Bring your medication bottles so we will know exactly what you are taking.
– Which hospitals or physician offices have copies of your past medical records?
– For children, remember to bring immunization records.
– Try to arrive a half hour early and bring all your medical insurance information ( your insurance card).

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What Hospitals does CPC admit patients to?

CPC physicians can admit you to Doctors Hospital, University Hospital or St. Joseph Hospital depending on your insurance and personal preference.
Our doctors will see you if you are admitted to Doctors Hospital.
If you are at University or St. Joseph you will be seen by our hospitalists: Dr. Shay, Dr. Pintavorn or Dr. Hoefeldt from Augusta Nephrology and Internal Medicine.
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If you have questions not found here, please call us at any of the CPC offices. We will be glad to help you. Check the map to find an office near you.