HIPAA is a federal privacy protection law (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act). It is designed to protect your privacy at the Center for Primary Care (CPC) and other agencies involved in your healthcare. The provisions of this law will not change the way we treat you or handle your records at CPC because it has always been our policy to protect your privacy to the greatest degree possible.

When visiting CPC, you either have been or will be given a copy of our privacy policy and asked to sign a form acknowledging that you have received it and authorizing CPC to use and disclose your protected health information as described in the privacy policy. The reason we are asking you to do this is to ensure that you have been informed about HIPAA and how it is implemented at CPC, that you are aware of your rights as a patient, and that you have been informed about the procedure to follow if you want to make a request or complaint.

One of our priorities in implementing HIPAA is to do so in such a way that it is easy to understand, does not interfere with the quality of care we are able to provide to you, and does not inconvenience you. Additionally, we are available to address whatever questions or concerns you might have and to assist you with requests or complaints.

In providing your healthcare, CPC protects your privacy as a patient of this practice and keeps your medical information confidential to as great a degree as possible. We hope that you will notify our privacy officer if you have any questions or concerns, if you want to make a request related to your medical records maintained by CPC, or if you wish to file a privacy complaint. Thank you.

Melody Collins, CPC Privacy Officer

363 North Belair Road, Evans, GA 30809

(706) 650-7799 ext. 242

Notice of Privacy Policy and Individual Rights

  This notice describes how the Center for Primary Care (CPC) may use and disclose medical information about you and how you can get access to this information. Please review it carefully.

  The following categories describe different ways that we use and disclose medical information.  For each category of uses or disclosures, we will elaborate on the meaning and provide more specific examples, if you request. Not every use or disclosure in a category will be listed.  However, all of the ways we are permitted to use and disclose information will fall within one of the categories.

For Payment.  We may use and disclose medical information about you so that the treatment and services you receive at the practice may be billed to and payment may be collected from you, an insurance company, or a third party.  For example: we may disclose your record to an insurance company, so that we can get paid for treating you. 

For Treatment.  We may use medical information about you to provide you with medical treatment or services.  We may disclose medical information about you to doctors, nurses, technicians, medical students, or other personnel who are involved in taking care of you at the practice or the hospital. For example, we may disclose medical information about you to people outside the practice who may be involved in your medical care, such as family members, clergy, or other persons who are part of your care.

For Healthcare Operations.  We may use and disclose medical information about you for healthcare operations.  These uses and disclosures are necessary to run the practice and ensure that all of our patients receive quality care.  We also may disclose information to doctors, nurses, technicians, medical students, and other practice personnel for review and learning purposes.  For example, we may review your record to assist our quality improvement efforts.

Who Will Follow This Notice. This notice describes CPCs policies and procedures and that of any healthcare professional authorized to enter information into your medical chart, any member of a volunteer group that we allow to help you, as well as all employees, staff, and other practice personnel. 

Policy Regarding the Protection of Personal Information.  We create a record of the care and services you receive at CPC. We need this record in order to provide you with quality care and to comply with certain legal requirements.  This notice applies to all of the records of your care generated by CPC, whether made by our personnel or by your personal doctor. The law requires us to: make sure that medical information that identifies you is kept private; give you this notice of our legal duties and privacy practices with respect to medical information about you; and follow the terms of the notice that is currently in effect. Other ways we may use or disclose your protected healthcare information include: appointment reminders; as required by law; for health-related benefits and services; to individuals involved in your care or payment for your care; research; to avert a serious threat to health or safety; and for treatment alternatives. Other uses and disclosures of your personal information could include disclosure to or for: coroners, medical examiners, and funeral directors; health-oversight activities; inmates; law enforcement; lawsuits and disputes; military and veterans; national security and intelligence activities; organ and tissue donation; protective services for the President and others; public health risks; and workers compensation. 

Notice of Individual Rights

You have the following rights regarding medical information CPC maintains about you:

Right to an Accounting of Disclosures. You have the right to request an accounting of disclosures.  This is a list of the disclosures we made of medical information about you.  To request this list or accounting of disclosures, you must submit your request in writing to the  Privacy Officer.

Right to Amend.  If you feel that medical information we have about you is incorrect or incomplete, you may ask us to amend the information. You have the right to request an amendment for as long as the information is kept by or for CPC.  Requests for amendments must be made in writing and submitted to the Privacy Officer and you must provide a reason that supports your request. We may deny your request for an amendment.

Right to Inspect and Copy. You have the right to inspect and copy medical information that may be used to make decisions about your care.  We may deny your request to inspect and copy in certain very limited circumstances. 

Right to a Paper Copy of this Notice. You have the right to a paper copy of this notice. You may request a copy of this notice from CPC at any time. 

Right to Request Confidential Communications. You have the right to request that we communicate with you about medical matters in a certain way or at a certain location.  You must make your request in writing, and you must specify how or where you wish to be contacted.

Right to Request Restrictions. You have the right to request a restriction or limitation on the medical information we use or disclose about you for treatment, payment, or health care operations.  You also have the right to request a limit on the medical information we disclose about you to someone who is involved in your care or the payment for your care, such as a family member or friend.  We are not required to agree to your request.  If we do agree, we will comply with your request unless the information is needed to provide you emergency treatment.  To request restrictions, you must make your request in writing to the Privacy Officer. 

Changes to This Notice.  We reserve the right to change this notice. We will post a copy of the current notice in CPCs waiting rooms. 

Complaints.  If you believe your privacy rights have been violated, you can contact CPC (Center for Primary Care, Attn: Privacy Officer, 363 North Belair Road, Evans, GA 30809) or the Office for Civil Rights (Office for Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 200 Independence Avenue, S.W., Room 509F, HHH Building, Washington, DC  20201. All complaints must be submitted in writing. You will not be penalized for filing a complaint.

Other Uses of Medical Information. Other uses and disclosures of medical information not covered by this notice or the laws that apply to use will be made only with your written authorization.  If you provide us permission to use or disclose medical information about you, you may revoke that permission, in writing, at any time.

If you have any questions about this notice or would like to receive a more detailed explanation, please contact CPCs Privacy Officer, Melody Collins, at (706) 650-7799 ext 242.